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Businesses and property owners, non-profit organizations and developers.



Grants for 30% of project costs will be distributed to approved applicants.



Property location in Downtown Winona Huff Street to Franklin Street and Fifth Street to the Riverfront.



Applications will be available beginning December 15, 2023 and will continue until January 2, 2024 and may be re-opened based on funding.


Eligible Expenses:

Repair or renovation of real property, building construction, landscaping and streetscaping, predesign and design, engineering, infrastructure, related site amenities.


Ineligible Expenses:

Purchase of real estate, business operations, operating expenses, inventory, wages, or working capital.



Winona Main Street Economic Revitalization Guidelines

Businesses, property owners, non-profits, and developers may apply if they are located in the designated area from Huff Street to Franklin Street and Fifth Street to the Riverfront.


Applicants must apply as a type of business or nonprofit that meets the criteria for a grant through the Winona Main Street Revitalization Program, must have a Tax ID Number (TIN), and be current on their taxes.


Applicants must demonstrate site control of the property where the project will take place, whether that’s through ownership, a purchase agreement, or approval from a landlord.


Grant awards can cover up to 30% of eligible project costs, up to $750,000. Projects must demonstrate that they have outside funding from sources such as public or private grants or loans, developer equity, or insurance proceeds. All Main Street grants must be matched with non-state and non-federal funds (70% of project costs).


Projects must have secured funding commitments for all required matching funds and all required development approvals before a grant may be distributed. Secured funding commitments and development approvals are not required at the time of application, but will be required before the grant funds can be disbursed for approved applications. 


Matching funds must be identified, committed, and restricted for use on the project.


Any project receiving more than $200,000 in grants from or backed by the State must comply with prevailing wage requirements under Minnesota Statutes 177.41 through 177.44.  More information can be found at DOLI.



What businesses are not eligible:

Businesses that are engaged in activities prohibited by federal law and gambling enterprises, businesses involved in manufacturing, distributing or selling sexually explicit materials. 

Questions?  Email or call 507-452-2272 


Example: Investment in building to grow and expand business operations. 

Construction - exterior improvements, addition of outdoor space,  and interior rehabilitation. 

Cost= $100,000, Owner/Banks= $70,000 Grant = $30,000.

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