‘Tis The Season! Well… not really, it’s still the middle of summer. But before we know it the Holiday season will be here. Over the years the Main Street Program has put up holiday lights and decorations at Levee Park, which has been made possible with generous support from Merchants Bank.
We aren’t satisfied with our collection of lights and decorations and we want to expand our inventory! Which is why the Main Street Program, in partnership with Merchants Bank, is having a Christmas in July fundraiser! We’re looking to the broader community to raise funds so we can purchase a large tree and additional decorations that we plan to put in Peter’s Biergarten and Levee Park.
Having a downtown that looks bright and cheery during the Holiday season is extremely important to the Main Street Program and Merchants Bank. It creates another attraction and reason for people to visit our downtown, support our local businesses that reside there, and creates a sense of community during the most wonderful time of year!
Purchasing holiday lights and decorations like this (that are weatherproof, durable, and long-lasting) isn’t cheap, and that’s why we’re looking to the broader Winona community for help. Not only do we want to purchase a large tree that we’ll light up each year, but we’d like to get other large pieces/sets of decoration over the next few years that will make our downtown really shine and standout during the holiday season.
· A large garland that wraps around the archway at the entrance of Levee Park
· Wreaths and string lights that add ambiance to the streets of our downtown
· Reindeer and snowmen figures
· And so much more!
So, put on your holiday spirit hat make a contribution today to a positive cause that all of Winona will benefit from! If you’d like to learn more visit www.winonamainstreet.com, or email/call the Main Street Program Manager Ben Strand at bstrand@winonachamber.com or 507-452-2272.
With our collective effort as a community, we can brighten up our downtown and make it a more lively, cheery place during the Holiday season.